Sunday, April 26, 2009

Reflection (03)

Reflection (03)
(Week 6)

Why did you choose those two activities?
I did because I would want to practice present progressive.

How did you feel working on those activities?
Nice, those were easy.

Did you work on more than two activities? Why?
No, I did because I am working in groups activities.

How can you connect your learning style with the selection of the two activities?
I think this time I just would want to practice.


  1. Well done, you did quite good. There is a mistake when you say: I would want, because you are making reference to a past time, so you have to use I wanted to practice.


  2. Great work in your blog-portfolio! This learning tool is very important. Most of all, the reflections help you be aware of your learning process. You can identify the activities you like the most, the ones you dislike and the ones you really need to work on. I consider your portfolio among the ones that are outstanding in the course. I congratulate you for the effort and interest in completing in an excellent way this task. I liked a lot your reflections. I’m sure you have improved your English level so much.
    Teacher XatlĂ­
